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Online Event:
21 October 2022

Homo Roboticus.
How do we prepare?

Dr. David Hanson jr. - an American
roboticist and Sophia - his social
humanoid robot.


to lead

Our greatest accomplishments
in life are often helping others succeed.

Step into

the future

About us

Masterclass Leadership is a global program for leaders with world authorities inspired by the 15 principles of leadership by Humanitas
Questions important for us
• Where do we come from?
• What are we for?
• What does ‘progress’ mean?
• Where are we heading?


“Everything rises
and falls
on leadership.”

– John Maxwel


Understanding the
changes in the world

Emotions, fears, motivations,
behavioral mechanisms

The sense of life, deeper meaning



Inspire a grander visions that
leads to transformation
Develop & curate leadership
resources for ongoing growth
and development
Engage visionary partners
to bring leadership development
to the underserved
0 %
of millenials

political leaders
have a negative
impact on the

0 %
of emploveas

stated they are
“some level
of burnout”
at work³

0 %
of emploveas

would rather
see their boss
fired than receive
a pay raise!²

¹Source: The Deloitte Global Millennial Survey 2020     ²Źródło: Potential Project    ³Source: 2020 Global Culture Report O.C. Tanner Institute entrepreneur.com/article/345538

themes of the


  • Leadership
  • Values in Economy
  • New Vision of a Man
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Transforming World
  • Ecology
  • Future Challenges
  • Meaning of life
  • Psychology
  • Teamwork
  • Neuroscience
  • Humans in the Universe


asked questions

I. The Program

1. What is MasterClass Leadership?
It is a global, value-based leadership program and community for leaders with the participation of world authorities
2. What is unique about the programme?

The unique value of the program lies in the integration of an international community of leaders within a functional mobile application

  • Meetings in Rome, Szczawnica, Jerusalen (in the Ted formula) with the participation of international practitioners and leadership authorities.
  • Sharing knowledge and the possibility of gaining a live and an online mentoring relationship with high-class leaders in business, science and culture, world authorities.
  • Film recordings with world-class experts and media authorities who will transfer knowledge and experience at the highest level in beautifully produced video series
3. Why is it important?

According to a report by Deloitte the “Millennials” generation recognize leadership as the most important competence in today's business world. At the same time, the study speaks of errors of corporations and companies: lack of community, creativity, trust, justice, sense of a deeper meaning.

4. Who took part in the program so far?
In the previous editions of the Masterclass took part participants from 114 countries; 95 universities & organizations: from Japan, through Australia, China, the Middle East, Europe, to New York, Boston, California and Canada. Speakers and mentors included global leaders from various areas, among others: A. Chmielewski (NASA), Kate Raworth (author of Doughnut Economics, Oxford), Guy Consolmagno (Director of the Vatican Observatory, MIT), Mike Walsh (AI Expert, author of ‘Algorithmic Leader’), Prof. Michal Heller (Receiver of the Templeton Prize, Cosmologist), Krzysztof Zanussi (Film Director), Jerzy Buzek (President of the European Parliament 2009-2012), Hanna Suchocka (PM of Poland), and others

II. Participation

1. How can I participate in the programme?

You can

  • be in touch with us through registering with e-mail,
  • You can following the invitations to online and stationary events,
  • Following our video content on YouTube
2. How much does it cost to participate?
The programme is free of charge for the young leaders.
3. Who is the program for?

It is directed at young leaders (20-29 y.o.) for whom values are important. Also mature leaders can join the program to become mentors for the young leaders.

4. Where do the meetings take place?
International meetings take place in Rome, while local ones would take place in participating countries.
5. Who are the organisers of the programme?
CTN Foundation (ctn.org.pl/en). Our mission is to shape leaders, especially young people from all over the world, who will use their activities wisely for the common good. Since 2002, distinguished statesmen, diplomats, people of culture, philosophers, and businessmen have been on the Foundation's board and helped it set the right direction.


& Partners

CTN Foundation

Step into

the future

CTN Foundation

Al. Niepodległości 223/1 02-087 Warsaw, Poland ph: (+48 22) 425 11 66 e: booking@ctn.org.pl masterclassleadership.org